Tuesday, April 20, 2004

I've been re-evaluating a lot of stuff in the last couple of weeks...and funny thing is that I've been doing alot of writing, tons even. Just not here. But I feel clear-headed now. Maybe it was just pent-up energy...but it definitely helped.

I've felt like just hiding out from the world for the last month or so. And now, when I don't feel like hiding out, when I want to go out and have some fun and adventure, I'm buried under last-month-of-school crap...tests, quizzes, homework, paper...you know crap.

But the end is in sight...and then, its off to North Carolina for 3 weeks, the longest time I've spent with Josh in about a year. I really can't wait to move there and get settled in. You know, be at home. It sounds pretty, pretty nice.


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