Thursday, November 06, 2003

I don't consider "It'll be alright" an empty platitude, because, chances are, it will be. Alright that is.

I am in love with thepinkish leaves on the bushes by the Armory. Unfortunately, it turned cold today, and they'll all be gone soon.

My favorite/lucky number is 4. I prefer even numbers to odd numbers, even if odd numbers occur more often in nature. I add numbers together all the time, like 13 is okay, because 1+3=4. Chances are, that if I know you, I've added up your birthday in my head. And even though I might not remember your birthday, I remember what it added up to. My parents managed to have three children whose birthdays all add up to 4. I have no idea what that means, but it's kinda weird.

I used to mix up weird concoctions of drinks and make my little brother taste them. And once, my cousin and I used my Easy-Bake oven to make these cakes that were white on the outside and blue on the inside, and we didn't use any food coloring. We were both sick the next day and got to spend time together at my grandma's. I don't remember if that was a plan or a coincidence. With my cooking skills, prolly a coincidence.


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