Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Dr. Seuss Would Be So Proud


2006...i don't know if you know, but i like to rhyme my new year's resolutions with the year intended. it's corny, but it amuses me. that's what counts.

2004... getting laid more in 2004
2005...(unofficially) just trying to survive in 2005
2006...getting shit fixed in 2006

pretty generic this year. but i have a lot of crap to get done:

...applying to UNC
...doing that FAFSA thing I've never had to do
...get new tires and passenger side mirror for my car
...finish scraping the wallpaper off my walls
...actually painting the room so it doesn't look like a warzone
...saving money

everything's going great. i'm going to be an aunt!!! again!!! next september!!!

hopefully, by then, i'll be in NC, and i'll be a Tarheel. i'll fly back...

other than that, nothing is going on. just doing the day-to-day thing.

song of the day: sweater song by weezer
smell of the day: popcorn
random thing: i made skettybake last night

pull this thread while you walk away


At 8:25 PM, Blogger Momoko said...

You can blame the wallpaper thing on me...


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