Its a beautiful day in the neighborhood
I went to work an hour early on accident. Gary stopped me in the parking lot, and of course, we talked about movies. All Gary and I talk about it is movies. I watched White Noise today. I love paranormal stuff like that. And since I live 5 mins away from work, I came home to share some stuff with y'all.
Its supposed to rain all this week, or at least have a chance to rain. Oddly enough, today is another gorgeous day in North Carolina. Seriously, North Carolina's weather is alot like Illinois'. But it is milder in the winter and more predictable.
We barbecued this weekend, went to see House of Wax, and (of course) went fishing with Latashia and Avery at the waterhole. I didn't really fish. I read one of my trashy novels. I'm telling y'all Sundays are my favorite.
Yesterday, Josh and I discovered that a little lizard lives in and around my flowers. I think its a
ground skink. For some reason, this makes me really happy. All my plants are doing well...and the seedlings are coming along. I wish one of them would at least grow a bud or something.
I decided yesterday that there are some things I'll prolly never outgrow. One, for sure, is driving fast with all the windows down and my music way up. Especially on beautifully sunny days. Morgan burned me a couple of cds before I came home from Illinois. I listened to them a little coming home. But they are all I'm listening to right now. Thanks Morgie!
Josh is planning a birthday surpise for me. And it is driving me nuts. I wish I knew what it was. None of Josh's clues make sense. I think it is all a wild goose chase. I have tomorrow off, so I'll prolly walk around downtown and take pictures. I hope it is still beautiful then.

where i like to spend most of my time off...its a great place to spend a lazy sunday. speaking of sundays, i wish it was sunday. only three more days of closing till i'm off for two days
Yesterday was a good day. I proved myself to one of the other managers, and I got off an hour early on a gorgeous day. I went home, couldn't find Josh, and figured Carver had stolen him for a couple of hours.
Instead, Josh called, and we went fishing with Latashia and Avery at this beautiful little waterhole just down from their house. I forgot about the town around us for awhile. It was just one of those perfect days with good music, good food, and good company. I love that we have another married couple to hang out with.
We went over to Carver's new place, our new place to pre-flight and to store the bachelors at the end of the night. No more bachelors sleeping in my living room!!! I met his new girl, who was actually nice. Wonders never cease.
I did pause and think about prom last night while we were playing pool at our ghetto pool hall. Mainly, because Josh and I were trying to figure out who this girl looked like from our class. (We decided it was Stacy Long, by the way.)
so, i could be out right now, except when josh asked me to go...i was asleep. word to the wise, don't mess with a sleeping molly. all you'll ever get in return is..."i don't care. go away. no!" but josh brought me candle-lit quizno's in bed. isn't that sweet?
i have to work tomorrow 8-4. blah! this week has been the first week of true manager training. its been going pretty darn good. i do, however, miss the days of going to work and not thinking. next week, i close 5 days straight. double blah! i have 3 weeks left of training.
sorry to bore you with arby's talk, but i have a tendency to get wrapped up in work. most of you already know that. if i'm spending most of my time at work, all i talk about right now, josh is working a lot too. so all we talk about is bills, work, strange things that happened that day, or the dreams we had the night before.
anyway, i have some pretty exciting news. i'm moving back to illinois around december or so of this year. josh and i have decided that he'll opt for a boat in february of 2006. if he didn't opt to go, he'll stay with his remaining squadron that goes to the ready room to wait to replace anyone coming back from iraq. the deployment for that is a year now, while he'll only be on the boat for 8-9 months. our lease here ends in february so i'm moving back to finish up school and to be closer to my family.
i wouldn't have traded my time here in north carolina for the world. it helped me get over my horrible depression of last summer. i also got to go through the painfully awkward transition from college kid to adult away from the eyes, ears, and mouths of my family. last friday i woke up at peace with becoming an adult. josh said that he was glad that i could finally handle the change. you know, a year or so after we married. he's such a smart ass.
taylorville's prom is tomorrow. for some reason, it makes me all nostalgic. but all of my prom experiences were boring, even the one with josh. do life-long, life-changing romantic moments actually happen at prom, or is that just the movies?